Where can I get help?

Please open a Github issue! This is a new package and we would love to hear your suggestions, bug reports, feature requests, and other commentary.

Isn't this functionality included in JuMP?

JuMP provides support for integer and Boolean-valued variables, however it is developed primarily to support mathematical optimization over real-valued or integer-valued variables and continuous functions. As such, JuMP interfaces with solvers such as ECOS, MOSEK, and Gurobi that are intended for continuous optimization problems. When you use JuMP to solve a problem with discrete variables, your solver will likely use a branch-and-bound style method.

Should I use JuMP or Satisfiability.jl?

If you have a problem with mostly real variables and a few discrete integer or Boolean variables, you should probably use JuMP to call a branch-and-bound solver.

If you have a problem with only discrete variables, especially a large one, you should consider using an SMT solver. SMT can also represent specific variable types, like BitVectors, that JuMP cannot.

How do I solve SMT problems in other langugages?

  • In Python, you can use PySMT to access a wide variety of solvers.

  • Similarly, Java has JavaSMT.

  • Solver-specific APIs include CVC5 APIs for C++, Java, and Python.

  • Z3 has APIs for C, C++, .NET, Java, Python, and ML/OCaml. Additionally, Microsoft Research provides tutorials for using Z3 in Python and JavaScript.

  • Other solvers include PicoSAT, YICES, MathSAT and Boolector.

Are there other SMT libraries in Julia?

  • There are Julia bindings for the Z3 C++ API.
  • PicoSAT also has Julia bindings. You'll need to understand CNF format to use these.
  • Here is a package for modelling discrete constraint satisfaction problems and encoding them to Boolean satisfiability (SAT) problems.

To our knowledge, Satisfiability.jl is the first general-purpose SMT library in Julia.

What about other theories in the SMT standard?

In the future support may be added for additional theories supported in the SMTLIB2 standard, such as bitvectors and arrays.

How can I retrieve a proof or unsat core from the solver?

Unsatisfiability proofs are difficult to support because the SMT2 standard doesn't specify their format - it's solver-dependent. Although we don't provide an explicit function, you can still retrieve a proof in two ways:

  • Instead of calling sat!, use save to write the SMT representation of your problem to a file. Then invoke the solver from your command line, feed it the file and issue (get-proof) in unsat mode.
  • Call sat! on your problem as shown here, then use send_command to issue (get-proof).

What does Satisfiability.jl actually do?

We provide a high-level interface to SMT solvers. SMT solvers can accept input in the SMT2 format, which is very powerful but not easy to read. When you specify an SMT problem in Satisfiability.jl and call sat!, we generate an SMT2-formatted representation of the problem, feed it to a solver, then interpret the result.


(Less frequently-asked questions.)

Why is sat! so slow for real-valued variables?

Because the SMT theory of real-valued variables is incomplete.